About Green Spirit

Educational Academy

We Believe That All Of Our Students Are

Girl in a forest
  • Equal, Unique and Valuable
  • Competent to Explore and Discover
  • Entitled to face appropriate Risks and Challenges
  • Entitled to experience regular Success
  • Entitled to develop Positive relationships with themselves and other people
  • Entitled to Choose,to Initiate and drive their own learning Process and Development

We Believe That All Of Our Students Are

  • Equal, Unique and Valuable
  • Competent to Explore and Discover
  • Entitled to face appropriate Risks and Challenges
  • Entitled to experience regular Success
  • Entitled to develop Positive relationships with themselves and other people
  • Entitled to Choose,to Initiate and drive their own learning Process and Development
Girl in a forest

Our Philosophy

A Healthy Learning Environment for Children

We believe that our children should learn not only literacy and mathematics, but also how to be a critical thinker, to learn and live in harmony with each other and to reconnect with our mother earth at all levels.

The aim is to foster rich learning experiences born of natural curiosity, ecological literacy and healthy living by connecting our students to nature, animals and our social community. We draw on this rich diversity of learning along with the Ontario Curriculum to develop well-rounded, knowledgeable, critical thinking learners.

We believe that sustainability, connection and harmony comes from our earned knowledge, kindness, and community. We are accepting learners from Kindergarten to Grade 8. A Certified Teacher and Educational Assistant will be teaching and supporting your child at all times.

girl yoga
Tree of life

Our Classrooms

Teaching Our Children How to Think Not What Not To Think

Green Spirit Educational Academy Learning Centre is inspired by both the Reggio Emilio philosophy and the Forest School Pedagogy in that the school environment plays a central and essential role as a place of shared relationships among the children, the teachers, and the parents creating a feeling of belonging in a world that is alive, welcoming and authentic. It is a reflection of children’s curiosities, representations, cultures, and social relationships. Our aim is to foster rich learning experiences, ecological literacy, and healthy living by connecting children to nature, and to themselves.

The components of environmental education are:

1. Awareness (awareness about the environment and its problems)

2. Knowledge(Basic knowledge about the environment)

3. Attitude (a sense of responsibility towards the environment)

4. Skill (Skills to solve environmental problems)

5. Participation (participate in programs related to the environment)

Our Philosophy

A Healthy Learning Environment for Children

We believe that our children should learn not only literacy and mathematics, but also how to be a critical thinker, to learn and live in harmony with each other and to reconnect with our mother earth at all levels.

The aim is to foster rich learning experiences born of natural curiosity, ecological literacy and healthy living by connecting our students to nature, animals and our social community. We draw on this rich diversity of learning along with the Ontario Curriculum to develop well-rounded, knowledgeable, critical thinking learners.

We believe that sustainability, connection and harmony comes from our earned knowledge, kindness, and community. We are accepting learners from Kindergarten to Grade 8. A Certified Teacher and Educational Assistant will be teaching and supporting your child at all times.

girl yoga

Our Classrooms

Teaching Our Children How to Think Not What Not To Think

Green Spirit Educational Academy Learning Centre is inspired by both the Reggio Emilio philosophy and the Forest School Pedagogy in that the school environment plays a central and essential role as a place of shared relationships among the children, the teachers, and the parents creating a feeling of belonging in a world that is alive, welcoming and authentic. It is a reflection of children’s curiosities, representations, cultures, and social relationships. Our aim is to foster rich learning experiences, ecological literacy, and healthy living by connecting children to nature, and to themselves.

Tree of life

The components of environmental education are:

1. Awareness (awareness about the environment and its problems)

2. Knowledge(Basic knowledge about the environment)

3. Attitude (a sense of responsibility towards the environment)

4. Skill (Skills to solve environmental problems)

5. Participation (participate in programs related to the environment)